A New life for Tony

Published September 3, 2024 tag category
A New life for Tony

Miss Rosie Balfour prowled round her bedroom, she was feeling so terribly frustrated. At 35 she had never married, yet she was a beautiful slim pretty young woman that looked ten years younger. She had never married basically because she had never dpornk met a man that could satisfy her properly. Also she basically abhorred the thought if submitting herself to a man in marriage who would want to dominate her and probably rule her life and that did not appeal to her one little bit.

The best sexual experience in her life had been recently when visiting a conference in London despite the war, she had after a few drinks hired the services of a fifteen year old boy prostitute for a night. She had taken him to a sleazy hotel and she had been delighted with the result. He was so young and vigorous and almost insatiable, so much so that she had slept the rest of the night better than she had ever slept for years.

However, in the morning when she awoke he had gone and so had her wallet, her jewellery and her watch. The theft did not concern her she was not short of money, but the thought of the wonderful sex that she had enjoyed with the boy the night before was consuming her - she wanted more - lots more.

Her thoughts that morning were tormented by the story in the local newspaper about a young boy, now tragically an orphan because his family and home had been bombed by a stray Luftwaffe bomber that had wiped out his whole family, the article explained that the local council were urgently looking for a foster home for him.

She thought long and hard and then with a sigh of anticipation she decided to take a chance as she reached for the telephone and rang the children's home.. She was even more excited when the Matron of the children's home told her that the boy concerned had recently been seduced by one of the staff and they were hoping to find a home urgently that did not have any further temptations for him.

Rosie arrived at the home just after midday, and having had a long talk with the Matron decided after meeting Tony, that she would foster young Tony Nash at least for a trial period. The Matron was only to pleased to be rid of him, and the formalities were soon completed after Rosie had met Tony for a brief chat..

Tony's Story

The bomb that was dropped on my family in that November night in 1941 a week after my birthday, changed my life for good. From having a family with brothers and sisters and a doting mother I was now an orphan at 18 years of age. It was only the fact that I was at the weekly Boy Scouts meeting that night that saved my life. It was the only bomb that dropped in our vicinity during the whole of the war, but it dropped on my family.

I was a well built boy and very good at sports, especially soccer. I looked older than my age but now being homeless and no close relatives I was put in an orphanage, which was really intended for much younger children up until the age of ten.

I was much older than the majority of the children in the orphanage, and I knew it was only temporary. But it was there where I met the very charming Monica Stevens a 18 year old girl who was a resident carer and had the nightly job of ensuring all the young children had a bath and supper before being put to bed. The first night in the orphanage I had been told to strip, and get in the shower with all the ten year olds after supper, we were supposed to wash ourselves, and then Monica would come and inspect us to see that we had done the job properly.

She was shocked when she came to inspect me, not inspecting to see a of my age and obviously not having been warned about my age mixed with all the six and seven year olds, but seeing my cock rise to salute her, she gave me a lovely smile and told me to put my pyjamas on, and wait for her in her room, until after the rest of the children were in bed. Where we sat and talked until all the rest of the children had gone to sleep.

After the rest of the children had settle down for the night and most of them asleep she took me to her own private bedroom where I suddenly found myself in her arms and being passionately kissed. She soon let me know what she wanted and soon we were both naked

I lay back on the bed and Monica followed me, retaining a firm hold on my cock. Monica pushed me down so I was lying flat and she straddled my thighs, still holding onto my cock. I was too excited to make any move to stop her and anyway I knew full well what she was about to do, and I did was really looking forward to my first experience with this lovely girl.

She said, "Tony, honey, are you sure you want me to continue?"

I nodded shyly. "Fine. You're in for a real treat I, a real treat honey." With that, she rose up on her knees far enough to position her pussy over my cock and then began to lower herself slowly down onto it.

I nearly went out of my mind as Monica's sexy body sank slowly onto my cock. The warm, tight wetness felt so incredibly wonderful that I He lay back, closed my eyes, and just let myself enjoy the sensations this young girl was creating.

I could see that Monica was really enjoying herself. I' had been told that my cock was large for my age and it was obviously filling her wonderfully. At first, I just lay there letting her do all the work. But eventually the pleasure of her love making forced my body to respond and I began pumping my hips in perfect rhythm. I closed my eyes but my hands rose and blindly found her breasts, beginning to fondle them almost absently. I looked up as Monica started moaning quite loudly which shocked me a bit at first because I thought I was hurting her.

Then Monica's orgasms started quite quickly, as the fire in my loins just kept building higher
and higher, seeking release. After an eternity, I clasped Monica's breasts tightly and thrust my hips upward as a scream escaped my lips ass I came time after time thrusting up into her as hard as I could I remember shouting Monica I love you"

Monica's cries of were more subdued but as heartfelt as her she spasmed around my pulsing cock. That final orgasm seemed to last forever as at last we relaxed into sleep in each others' arms. It was about four in the morning that Monica awoke as she made me go back to my bed before the other children awoke.

Monica was given a fairly free hand in running the orphanage in the evenings and overnight. She was very poorly paid, and never had a night off but at least as she told me she had a roof over her head.

This became our nightly routine and from then on we experimented together. It was abut two weeks later when the matron burst into Monica's room one night to catch us in full flow. Monica was dismissed on the spot and I received a slapping from the Matron. From that night on we were supervised by an elderly Matron, until a kind lady came forward and took me into foster care. The orphanage had been glad to get rid of me. Why the Matron had come to her room that night and caught us, I never ever found out.

My benefactor was a thirty five year old Miss Rosie Balfour a quite posh lady and a quite pretty lady who took me to her home in her Morris 10 motor car. She dressed very smartly and spoke with a very refined accent. At first I was very nervous as I did not know what to expect

In those days not so much trouble was taken in ensuring that orphan children were placed with respectable families. Had such enquiries been carried out as they are done today. I guessed that there was no way that this lady would have been allowed to adopt a stray cat, yet alone a virtually innocent young boy like myself had they know of her secret fetish. My erstwhile sex partner Monica now unemployed, was quite upset at my departure and promised to visit me when she could. But I never saw her again.

I could not believe my eyes when I was first introduced to Rosie by the Matron. She was so perfect; tall and confident, yet elegant and feminine. Her perfect blonde hair was loose around her shoulders; her eye shadow subtly accentuated her blue eyes, her light cream cotton skirt matched her blouse. I felt myself grin; was this possible? Was this real? All she needed was a halo and a pair of wings. She was an angel, she was my goddess.

On the way in the car Miss Tracy asked me "So I understand that you like young fucking girls do you Tony?"
I said "Yes Miss Tracy. I like it a lot."
"Do you think I am pretty?" She asked.
I looked at her and I said. "Yes I think you are really lovely." But of course I was old enough and experienced enough, having had two sisters to realise that there was only one way I could answer that question without causing offence.
"Do you think that you would like to fuck me?"
"I told her" I think you are very pretty, and yes I would."
She smiled and she looked at me and then she said. " I can not have you calling me Miss Tracy all the time, do you think you could call me Mummy when we are alone and perhaps Miss Rosie when we are in public?"
I did not answer, as I thought about recently losing my own mother.
"If it is too hard for you to do that I can understand, but all I want to do is to look after you."
So I simply said. "Yes Mummy."
"Oh that's absolutely smashing darling." She said. "I am sure that we are going to get on so well together."

Rosie had a lovely home, and soon I was settled in with apornk a glass of orange juice, and we had dinner, followed by her taking my hand and she said "Come with me baby," she whispered
Leading me upstairs to her bedroom. She insisted that she helped me undress and she took me into the bathroom to run the bath.

She then started to wash me as though I was a baby and then I noticed that she was spending a lot of time playing with my cock. The fact that I was soon sporting a good sized seemed to please her . She made me stand up, and she toweled me and sprinkled my body with baby powder and then she took me into her bedroom. She put her arms round me and hugged me close to her body as she lay me down on the bed.

"Would you like to sleep with Mummy tonight dear?" she asked.
"I said "Yes please Mummy."
She undressed and lay beside me, putting her arms round me she asked me to suckle on her nipples, as I did her hand quite furtively made its way to my cock and she started to stroke it and play with it until it was rock hard again " " Tony dear would you like to fuck mummy just like you did with that girl at the orphanage?"
"Yes please Mummy. That would be really lovely"
"Oh that's good Tony because Mummy wants that of yours inside me " Tony " I need you so badly," she whispered in my ear as she gently pulled me over and on top of her.

She opened her legs, bending her knees to accommodate my young body and she started kissing me on the mouth just like Monica used to do. Then she pushed my head down to her nipples again and said.
"Drink Mummy's milk darling."
I started to suck on a nipple and she started rocking me and moaning with contentment. After a while I had to change nipples, all the time she was playing very gently with my cock, so much so that I thought I was going to have an accident.

Then suddenly she pulled me away and taking hold of my cock she lined it up with her pussy lips . I slid in easily " her warm wetness engulfing me, as her arms enfolded me and she pushed a nipple back into my mouth. My cock so Monica had told me, was well above average for my age, so I still filled her pussy with the solid hardness of my erection " like steel inside her.

She ran her fingers through my hair as she looked down at me with her lovely blue eyes and said "I love you Tony baby. Do you love Mummy."
How does it feel?" she asked.
"Lovely Mummy." I responded as it really did.
"Move it in and out now baby" she said " as she set the rhythm she wanted me to follow.

Rosies Story

She was so happy as Tony fucked her, and she lay back and enjoyed the pure lustful forbidden sensation of having a mere young boy of fourteen fucking her. He was hers and if all went well she would keep him. This was a dream come true. She touched her clit lightly, as he moved in and out of her " increasing her feeling and sensation as she rapidly neared her own orgasm. She could feel the sensations mounting deep down inside her.. Nothing could stop it now as she moved feverishly against his young body" and she soon knew that she was quite close to coming, as she erupted in spasm after spasm of boy induced orgasm, feeling her wetness gushing and her pussy walls clamping against his cock inside her.

Her hands were all over his lovely young body, while his young hands clutching at her buttocks pulling his cock even deeper into her pussy" and then she heard herself cry as those wonderful out of this world series of sensations ravaged her body as his young cock made her indulge in orgasms that were something entirely new in her experience.

She knew then that he was the boy for her, she must keep him, life could never be the same without him. She knew she was satisfying her lustful and forbidden fetish, he was obviously quite happy with it, but she was determined that she would be good for him. She had no-one else in her life, and she would do everything in her power to see that he had a lovely happy home with her. He would be her own baby and lover rolled into one.

Tony's Story

I cried out, as I came just after Rosie that first night, as I shot my seed deep into her, writhing body and moved up and down on her until I calmed down and lay still " my juices mingling with hers deep inside her. I was still hard and I wanted more much more.

I guessed from her fulsome responses she was a very happy lady. I thought that sex with Rosie had been really good for me, and the thought of being looked after by this lovely lady seemed to me to indicate that I had quite a promising future if I behaved myself.. She obviously had more experience than Monica, and she had was good. I had read somewhere about a lady being prosecuted for having boy fantasies, and I guessed that my Miss Rosie Tracy was another one who liked young boys. But I was very happy so far.

Then as she lay there she said to me. "I don't expect that you are a fool Tony, and you should know that I like sex with very young men and boys. Many people don't approve of what I want, so what do you think about what has happened tonight."
I told her I thought that what has happened between us was so lovely, and I know it was wrong but I did not care."
I had enjoyed it and so I said "I thought it was lovely and I think you are lovely, so can we do it again real soon please?"
"Yes Tony I promise that we will do it lots and lots of times darling. But you must never tell anyone about us."
Her arms came round me as taking me at my word we started to make love again.
Afterwards I lay there in her arms as I thought about what had happened, and what I imagined about what life with Rosie would be like. The alternative was an orphanage. To me this was a home that I needed to look after. I was quite happy to be the boy she wanted and to look after her in my own way.
I did not feel a bit confused after my first sexual experience with her. Which had been so different from Monica but just as nice if not better. I realised; I had learned one of life's lessons, that was all. I'd experienced sex, I'd pleasured a mature woman, and had the pleasure of doing so. I wasn't too concerned about her age, which might have put some boys off, but it didn't bother me at all. She was beautiful; she was nice. What more could a boy ask for? I wanted her again.

As I lay in her arms my heart seemed to soar; I now had both a mother and a lover. She was very much a woman, a beautiful woman who wanted to have unlimited sex with me. I had nothing to complain about!

The Next Morning

When we awoke early Rosie told me to go into my own bed and have a sleep, that was for the benefit of the daily help who would be arriving shortly. She wanted the bed to look slept in to avoid unnecessary talk When I woke she took me to the bathroom and she insisted that she would wash me as she had done the night before. I knew that would make her happy and so I let her have her own way.

Rosie was a young boys dream, being with her, and enjoying the affection that she showed me, was something that I had never dreamed existed. I was sent to the best school I had the best clothes and basically I wanted for nothing. There were very few nights when I slept alone Rosie was both a mother and a lover to me.

Ten Years later

After two years with Rosie became , and we had a young which we called Mandy. Rosie and I are still lovers, and I have now finished University and I am now qualifying as a . I owe Rosie everything, and despite the war I now have a new family.

The End.

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